
硫酸氢钙的英文 硫酸氢钙的性质、用途及制备方法
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硫酸氢钙的英文 硫酸氢钙的性质、用途及制备方法

时间:2024-08-14 08:03 点击:101 次

Calcium hydrogen sulfate, also known as calcium bisulfate or gypsum, is a chemical compound with the formula Ca(HSO4)2. It is a white crystalline powder that is soluble in water and has a sour taste. Calcium hydrogen sulfate has a wide range of applications, from agriculture to construction, and is an important industrial chemical.

One of the most important properties of calcium hydrogen sulfate is its ability to act as a soil conditioner. When added to soil, it helps to improve its structure and fertility by increasing the availability of nutrients such as calcium and sulfur. This makes it an essential ingredient in fertilizers and soil amendments used in agriculture.

Calcium hydrogen sulfate is also used in the construction industry as a binder and filler. It is added to cement to improve its strength and durability, and is used as a filler in plasterboard and other building materials. In addition, it is used as a fire retardant in insulation and other materials.

Another important application of calcium hydrogen sulfate is in the food industry. It is used as a food additive to regulate acidity and as a firming agent in canned fruits and vegetables. It is also used in the production of beer and wine to control the pH of the fermentation process.


Calcium hydrogen sulfate can be prepared by reacting calcium carbonate with sulfuric acid. The resulting calcium sulfate is then treated with additional sulfuric acid to produce calcium hydrogen sulfate. The process can also be carried out using gypsum, which is a naturally occurring form of calcium sulfate.

In conclusion, calcium hydrogen sulfate is a versatile chemical compound that has a wide range of applications in various industries. Its ability to act as a soil conditioner, binder, and filler makes it an important ingredient in agriculture and construction, while its use as a food additive and fire retardant highlights its importance in other industries. Its preparation is relatively simple and can be carried out using readily available materials.

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